domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

I dress from, arrives, the human brain the aspect remembers of one nut: as her, he presents two rounded halves, of surface convoluta and connected by the center (It Figures 3-1). These two halves are called " left hemisphere " and " right hemisphere ".

" Any creative act implies ... a new innocence of perception, liberated of the cataract of accepted beliefs. "
Arthur Koestier
The Sieepwaikers

The nervous human system is connected to the brain by means of a crossed connection, so that the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side. If an injury is suffered in the left side of the brain, the most affected part of the body will be the right, and vice versa. Because of this crossing of the nervous routes, the left hand is regulated by the right hemisphere, and the right hand by the left hemisphere, as are indicated in the Figure 3-2.

Fig. 3-2. The crossing connection between the right hand and the left hemisphere, and the left hand and the right hemisphere.

First of all to indicate that the functional differences between hemispheres are minimal and only in some few areas could have found differences as for functioning and these not in all the persons. The difference of competitions between both cerebral hemispheres seems to be a sole right of the human being. It has been said that our brains have specialized themselves thus, because the language and the logic need more tidy and sophisticated processes of thought that those that the spatial orientation needs, for example. It treats itself simply that both halves of the brain are complementary. In the majority of the adults, the centers of the speech are placed in the left side. Nevertheless, about 15 % of the left-handed ones and 2 % of those who use preferably the right hand, have centers of the speech in both parts of the brain. Anyhow, left-handed some of them develop the speech in the left hemisphere only; they have less than the half in the right part. Even if the right side of the brain controls principally the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls, largely, the right side of the body, the fact of being ambidextrous indicates that both halves of the brain have not managed to be so completely specialized since it to be in the skillful individuals. In the children of short age, every side of the brain possesses, in power, the faculty of the speech and of the language. An injury in the left side in the first years of life, gives like proved the development of the faculty of the language in the right side of the brain. The domain of the speech and probably also of other powers it is established firmly in one of the hemispheres about ten years of age and cannot be transmitted to other one later. The brain processes the sensory information, homeostáticas controls and coordinates the movement, the behavior and the corporal functions, as the beatings of the heart, the blood pressure, the balance sheet of fluids and corporal temperature. The brain is responsible for the cognition, the emotions, the creativity, the memory and the learning. The capacity of processing and storage of a human standard brain overcomes even to the best computers nowadays.
The left-handed natives are distributed in a homogeneous way in all the populations of the globe. Approximately between 8 and one 13 % of the world population it is zurda.1 The studies indicate that the phenomenon is more common in the males that in them mujeres.2 There are more left-handed males (13 %) that women (9 %), without it is known why.
There is thought that the number of left-handed worldwide would be major without cultural pressures; apparently, the half of the population is born left-handed. For it, writing is a precise indicator, since it it might seem, since left-handed many people write with the right hand, forced during his learning for the social pressure, but use the left hand for other tasks, they strike a ball with the left foot preferably, etc.

The percentage of left-handed children proceeding from multiple births, those of twins for example, is very much major. Also it is more probable that there are left-handed the individuals of several groups with disorders neuronales, persons who suffer epilepsy, Down's syndrome, autism, 6 other forms of mental delay, dyslexia, etc. Statistically, the identical twin of the left-handed one, has 76 % of probabilities of being left-handed, for you cause partly genetically and partly environmental. Also between the people of the south of Asia, Eastern Europe, and descendants of people of the Asian Southeast, it is more left-handed than between no other ethnic group of the world, whereas between the descendants of people of western Europa, Northern Europe, and Africa it is less left-handed.
From the antiquity, the history has been molded by a good number of left-handed prominent figures.
Of the first ones that knowledge has (and not less important) we can emphasize the big ones: Ramses II, Egyptian Pharaoh; Alexander the Great, conquering Macedonian; the Roman emperors Tiberio and Julio César; and in America, Lloque Yupanqui, monarch Inca.
Later in the medioevo the emperor reigned with his left hand of Galia Carlo Great, and impossible to leave of side the heroic Juana of Arch, whom the fact of being left-handed, played him in against during his judgment for being bewitching and diabolical.
Along the Renaissance, three of the biggest artists formed his works with the left hand. We refer to Michael Ángel, Rafael and Vinci Gives the many-sided Leonardo.
Later there is had record of which important European monarches lifted his sinister hand against his subjects: Luis XVI of France, Victory of England, Jorge II of England, Jorge VI of England, and contemporary Carlos and his son Guillermo of England.
Of the independence Americans, we know that Simón Bolívar and Benjamin Franklin raised his left hand against the colonialism.
In the field of the science and technology we have Henry Ford, who I develop the first production of cars in series, the Jewish physicist Albert Einstein, who Marie Curie developed important theories in the physics, Augusto Piccard (inventor of the batíscafo), discoverer of the radius, the Doctor Albert Schweitzer, and the astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Wally Schirra that came to the moon.
It is interesting to emphasize that of the last 6 presidents of The United States 4 are left-handed: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, Bill Clinton and the current president Barack Obama. Even, during the choices of 92, three candidates were possessing the above mentioned characteristic and 2008 2 candidates.
An extensive record exists of left-handed contemporary important, we have the following summary of an enormous list:
Ramses II
Alejandro Magno
Julio César
Carlo Magno
Miguel Ángel
Leonardo Da Vinci
Luis XVI de Francia
Victoria de Inglaterra
Jorge II de Inglaterra
Jorge V de Inglaterra
Simón Bolívar
Benjamín Franklin
David Rockefeller
Jack el Destripador
Mark Twain
H.G. Wells
Bill Gates

John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972)
Gerald Ford (1913 )
Ronald Reagan (1911-)
George H.W. Bush (1924 )
Bill Clinton
Benjamin Netanyahu
H. Ross Perot
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chávez (Ven.)
Barack Obama (USA)
Felipe Calderón (Mex)
Sebastián Piñera (Chile)

Diego Armando Maradona
Oscar de la Hoya
Ayrton Senna
Marcelo "Chino" Ríos
Guillermo Vilas
John McEnroe
Martina Navratilova
Rafael Nadal

Gustavo Cerati (Soda Stereo)
Charlie García
Vicki Carr
Natale Cole
Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
Phil Collins (Genesis)
Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins)
Judy Garland
Jimi Hendrix
Paul McCartney
Robert Plant (Led Zepplin)
Ringo Starr (the Beatles)
Ian Paice (bat. Deep Purple)
Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel)
Bob Geldorf (Live8)
Chabuca Granda (Folklorista)

Charlie Chaplin
Angelina Jolie
Tom Cruise
Matthew Broderick
Matt Dillon
Olivia de Havilland
Robert DeNiro
Richard Dreyfuss
Nicole Kidman
Keanu Reeves
Peter Fonda
Greta Garbo
Whoopie Goldberg
Chris Tucker
Lisa Kudrow
Emma Thompson
Kate Hudson
And many more .......
I think that to be left-handed or to be a matador they do not have anything of villain, we all are equal and we all have the same rights that all, it seems to me very unlikely that before, many major persons who educate for example his grandsons and if the children are left-handed start putting ideas in the head of which he is a very bad left-handed being, shaft aveces in many other cases they there is amarado the left hand not to write, and as the major people it has other thoughts very different from those of these times, Because of it it is that they do not allow that they should be left-handed on the contrary they have many advantages, for examples in famous, scientific and many persons who have stood out very much in company are left-handed.

The differences between the left and right sides of the brain...

I dress from, arrives, the human brain the aspect remembers of one nut: as her, he presents two rounded halves, of surface convoluta and connected by the center (It Figures 3-1). These two halves are called " left hemisphere " and " right hemisphere ".

" Any creative act implies ... a new innocence of perception, liberated of the cataract of accepted beliefs. "
Arthur Koestier
The Sieepwaikers

The nervous human system is connected to the brain by means of a crossed connection, so that the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side. If an injury is suffered in the left side of the brain, the most affected part of the body will be the right, and vice versa. Because of this crossing of the nervous routes, the left hand is regulated by the right hemisphere, and the right hand by the left hemisphere, as are indicated in the Figure 3-2.

Fig. 3-2. The crossing connection between the right hand and the left hemisphere, and the left hand and the right hemisphere.

First of all to indicate that the functional differences between hemispheres are minimal and only in some few areas could have found differences as for functioning and these not in all the persons. The difference of competitions between both cerebral hemispheres seems to be a sole right of the human being. It has been said that our brains have specialized themselves thus, because the language and the logic need more tidy and sophisticated processes of thought that those that the spatial orientation needs, for example. It treats itself simply that both halves of the brain are complementary. In the majority of the adults, the centers of the speech are placed in the left side. Nevertheless, about 15 % of the left-handed ones and 2 % of those who use preferably the right hand, have centers of the speech in both parts of the brain. Anyhow, left-handed some of them develop the speech in the left hemisphere only; they have less than the half in the right part. Even if the right side of the brain controls principally the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls, largely, the right side of the body, the fact of being ambidextrous indicates that both halves of the brain have not managed to be so completely specialized since it to be in the skillful individuals. In the children of short age, every side of the brain possesses, in power, the faculty of the speech and of the language. An injury in the left side in the first years of life, gives like proved the development of the faculty of the language in the right side of the brain. The domain of the speech and probably also of other powers it is established firmly in one of the hemispheres about ten years of age and cannot be transmitted to other one later. The brain processes the sensory information, homeostáticas controls and coordinates the movement, the behavior and the corporal functions, as the beatings of the heart, the blood pressure, the balance sheet of fluids and corporal temperature. The brain is responsible for the cognition, the emotions, the creativity, the memory and the learning. The capacity of processing and storage of a human standard brain overcomes even to the best computers nowadays.